Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Thanksgiving w/ Training Wheels

Okay. This year, I made the turkey. Don't faint.

As you can see from the picture, it wasn't much of a spread - just the staples as the Kirkendalls know it: Turkey, corn, stuffing, fresh bread rolls, potatoes & gravy - oh and a veggie platter before dinner. It's nowhere near the spread my Mom & most people put together for Thanksgiving, but since this was only the fourth meal I've ever made; I figured I'd better keep it simple. BTW: The stuffing was absolutely awful (we threw it away)!

1 comment:

Staci said...

It never fails - you have me cracking up (and it's 2 in the morning... that's a feat to be proud of; ask Brian). Lucky for you, kids LOVE hot dogs and macaroni.