Sunday, September 24, 2006

Dogz in the Hood

Okay, I don't know exactly when or how it happened; but I've become one of those people who dress their dogs. I have no excuse for it.

Eli's New Raincoat

It even has a hood!!!

Eli & Maybel show their true feelings about the new attire . . . .

Can you believe that they're both sticking their tongues out over a little coat? Seems a bit dramatic to me . . . . . But I'm not the one who has to wear it!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Single Sandal

Sean had his surgery & it went very well!! His right foot is now straight - which of course, makes him very happy. Once the three-month recovery is completely over, he'll be ready for a single sandal. Meanwhile, he needs to have his stitches & pins removed (the screws stay in) and will be in a walking boot for a month after that. He's spending a lot of time on his "island" (our couch) surrounded by video games, movies, crossword puzzles & his laptop. It's a long process - but it'll definitely be worth it!!!