Wednesday, July 15, 2009

4th Fun

This year we had so much fun on the 4th! We spent the day at the street fair downtown and then we spent the evening at Brian & Staci's for a very nice BBQ.

While at the street fair we spent time with Uncle Kyle who was helping to host the Fire Department's Open House.

Both Kyle & Addison had a great time!

Uncle Kyle in uniform

Little Girl and a Big Truck

As if the Fire Trucks weren't fun enough - here's Addison's reaction when little Hailey showed up. OHH the excitement!! Wish we had a video camera - it was so funny!

Twin Pig Tails in a Fire Truck

Then Bella showed up!! What a great day!

So much fun with the fire trucks - and I won't go into detail on the tantrum that was thrown when it was time to get out of the truck!

Fun, fun day and it got even better when the girls joined Kailyn & Charlie on the slides and swings!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Paawt

Driving to and from my Mom's we pass the elementary school playground. Here's the conversation Addison and I have EVERYTIME:

Before the playground is even in sight:

Addison: Paawt? Paawt?
Me: Yep, the Park is coming up.

Once she can see the playground:

Addison: Paawt! THE PAAWT!
Me: There's the park!
Addison: Someday
Me: Yep, Someday
Addison: Goin' There, Goin' There
Me: Yep, Someday we'll go there
Addison: Yep.

So with nothing to else to do, we drove past the park one evening and we changed up our conversation. I asked her if she wanted today to be someday and she screamed in excitement.

Look how happy she was when I went to get her from her carseat!

Oh, we had a fine time . . .

Then all of a sudden we heard familiar voice call out, "Addison? Where are you??" and Addison tore off running.

It was Uncle Kyle!

He saw our car parked at the school and decided to join (much to my injured hip's excitement).

So Uncle Kyle did all the running and lifting . . .

. . . while I snapped pictures of this little gal having the time of her life!

By the end both Addison & Kyle were exhausted.

Addison slept for 11 hours that night . . . hopefully Kyle did too - since we just left him laying there on the slide!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hangin' With Monka & Papa

Addison and I spent some time at Monka & Papa's with Uncle Kyle. It wasn't warm; but it was nice to be outside anyhow . . .

Addison trying to blend in with the flock

This quickly became the favorite game of the day . . .

Love this picture!!! Her Papa & Uncle 'got her back'

Yep, we had a good time - but if you can see Papa Kirk's face here, I'd say he did too!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Shirtless Spaghetti

Addison has decided that she is so over bibs and I am so over stain removal.

Without further ado, may I present to you: Shirtless Spaghetti

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Little Green Thumb

Monka showed Addison how to plant flowers . . .

So Addison has been put her newly acquired skills to use at home too!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Flashback Friday

This was us back in 2007 . . . .

Two years later we still LOVE to do this!!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

My crown, please

Having fallen in love with the cartoon Super WHY, Addison's faorite character is, of course: Princess P.

So I should have been expecting this; but it caught me by complete surprise when she asked me for her crown one day.

I dug out my headpiece I wore on my wedding day and she was so proud of her new crown.

Then it was time to sing and boogie!

The crown actually got in the way of the good moves, so it was sent back to the jewelry box.

And the dancing continued.

Nothing sweeter in this world than little girls!!!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Sean's Birthday!

We celebrated Sean's 35th birthday in a very low-key relaxing sort of way. We had a pair of couples over to sit and catch-up with. It was very nice!

Nemo and Sarah Lynn stuck around for the "party cake"

But guess who thought that little cake was just for her??

I love this picture . . .

. . . because exactly two years ago these two did almost the same thing!

Happy Birthday Sean!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Summer : AK Style

Raincoat - - Check
XTRATUFs - - Check

Okay, we're ready for our Alaskan Summer!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Picky Eater

My little picky eater is getting a bit (just a bit) more adventurous with her food . . .

Hot dogs are now one of her favorites . . . Gives me hope!