Friday, January 30, 2009

The Second Christmas

We celebrated Christmas with my family on the 26th. Grandpa is responsible for introducing Addison to candy canes.

Now she's 'hooked.' Hehehe Hahahaha *snort* Hehehe Hahaha

Clint was able to celebrate Christmas with us this year! And he was just sooo over-joyed with his new plane . . . Wonder why he didn't take it back to Anchorage with him???

Addison was very happy to have Clint around for Christmas . . .

. . . And I think the feeling was mutual. The way she says "Clint" is so, so, so cute!

Kyle and his new leather helmet . . . Think he liked it??

Miss Addison was a tired girl - it was, afterall, her SECOND Christmas in two days!! So the majority of gifts were opened like this . . . I certainly didn't mind one bit!

Uncle Kyle checking in on his favorite girl and her newest cabbage patch doll.

Grandma helping Addison break her new dolls free . . .

Notice the Northern Lights in the background? We had National Lampoons Christmas Vacation playing while we opened gifts. I just love Clark Griswold - A little full, a lot of sap . . . and don't EVEN get me started on my favorite parts of the show - I could watch that movie every day!

Grandma gave Addison and I matching jammies!! SOOO fun! Hi Clark!

Later on we ate like royalty and just enjoyed hanging out with the family! All in all it was a wonderful Christmas.

Here it is . . . January 30th and I've FINALLY finished with all of the Christmas postings! Now, I need to get caught up on the rest of the month . . . ugh!

Monday, January 26, 2009

20 Months

We happily interrupt the Christmas postings for this important message:

Addison is 20 months old!!

Only 4 months until her 2nd Birthday . . .

Can that be right??!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Christmas Night

Sean met Addison and I at Grandma & Grandpa's house after he got off work and we headed home to celebrate Christmas at our house!

By now, Addison was a Pro at unwrapping gifts.

And the expressions she had after opening a good gift . .

. . . were hilarious.

She made this face for about three or four minutes after opening her Elmo. It was soo funny!

On the 23d she had saw an Elmo Live at a local store and loved it. It was like she remembered the lil guy from the store when she opned hers.

Sean made a few good faces too . .

But all gift unwrapping ended once this toy was discovered . .

She LOVES her new little house!

Even after all the sleep she had gotten earlier the excitement really tuckered her out!

But not enough to keep her from flashin' her pearlies one last time before heading off to bed.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christmas Day w/Gma & Gpa

Christmas day both Sean and Kyle were scheduled to work. So Addison and I met up with Grandma Suzy, Grandpa and Uncle Clint for a bit. Addison's Great Grandparents sent her a special little present: her first cabbage patch doll! As you can see, she really liked her new toy. The doll came with a bottle and a rattle and it was just sooo adorable watching Addison feed the baby and hook the rattle around the doll's wrist. She did a fantastic job taking care of her little doll.

Rest of the day was spent at our house where Addison slept and slept and slept. She was just so tuckered out from the previous week that Christmas Day was her day to play catch-up. So it worked out great that we had planned to celebrate Christmas with the Grandparents on the 26th.

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's a Wrap!

Like I said before, the flu (and yes we DID get the flu shot) put us behind in our Christmas preparation. So on Christmas Eve, Addison's Aunt JJ & Uncle Clint generously spent a couple of hours at the house (until around 1am) helping me play catch-up. The main job? Wrapping Christmas presents.

Can't you just feel Clint's excitement?

All was well . . .

. . . and then something went horribly wrong . . .

Hey! If you weren't there; you just wouldn't understand . . . so don't go a judgin' now!

The look of sympathy on JJ's face is just almost too much for me to bare . . . It tugs at my heartstrings and all.

But with creative patchwork . . .

. . . the wrapping continued . . .

. . . And all was well.

Well . . . ALMOST all was well . . . Addison will now be an only child. Just kiddin' - kinda.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Christmas Eve

JJ was in town for the holidays and joined us at my parents' home for Christmas Eve! Of course, I had to snap a few pictures before we left!

Which both girls seemed fine with . . .

. . . at first. . . .

. . . And then it was just time to get the show on the road and go to Grandma's already!!

Notice the stack of cardboard behind Addison? Those are packages that still had not been sent . . . the flu really foiled our Christmas plans this year!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Christmas Party

The last Christmas party of '08 was without a doubt my favorite. No offense to the other Christmas parties we attended; but we got dressed up and had a great relaxed time at Matt and Brandy's with a wonderful group of friends.

Our beautiful hostesses: Bella & Brandy

Elias impressing Addison with his strength

There was a whole lotta sippy cup envy going on that night . . .

Too cute Miss Kailyn!

Sweet girls. They're quite the pair!

I had some serious camera issues that night. Unfortunately, I don't have many pictures of the night (just a bunch from the few moments I could get the camera to cooperate with me) but there was a bunch of dancing going on. At one point it was just the girls and Elias dancing and Addison decided she couldn't dance without screeching. It was too funny.

I wish my camera had been good to me that night and I would have had pictures of me and Hailey. I was buying her affection with strawberries. Thanks to the fruit I got her to snggle with me for quite awhile!! :)

Another pretty Mommy/Daughter picture!

This is how you know it's time to call it a night . . .

We had such a great time! Thanks Brandy & Matt for your hospitality!

We DID get some great family pictures taken at Brandy's. I'll post those another time. They are probably my favorite family shots of us!