Friday, August 31, 2007

Tummy Time

Addison is not too fond of her daily 'tummy time' but yesterday she actually seemed to enjoy it. Perhaps she was showing off for Nemo . . .

Eli even joined in!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Addison's Site

We've created a website for Addison's pictures. If you get the chance, check out the site; the address is:

We plan to keep this website along with this blog updated as best we can.

This picture was taken by Grandpa Phil during their last visit. As you can tell from the picture, Addison LOVED having them here!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Look Who Stopped By

Two nights ago we had these three stop by for a visit.

The cubs played a bit in the trees behind our house (and over a bit) before exploring our backyard.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Me And My Girl

Just when I think Addison couldn't be more beautiful, fun or adorable - she becomes just that. Everyday I wake up to her babbling and kicking her legs as she awaits the excitement of the new day, and I know that I am the luckiest person in the world to be Addison's Mother.

Last month, I officially quit my job to stay home with Addison. The decision to quit both terrified and thrilled me. I was scared to leave my job mainly because I enjoyed it so much. I had a great boss and consider those that I worked with as my friends. But I was excited to know that from here on out it is just me and my girl, bonding, playing and learning about each other and our new world.

I am aware that being a stay-at-home-Mom is not for everyone and I completely respect their decision whether they choose to work or stay at home with their baby. In our situation, I know that I am meant to stay home with my little girl. I feel so blessed that I get to be with Addison every day!

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Leonards!

Addison had a visit from three of her cousins: Ronan, Ava & Conall. She really seemed to enjoy watching the big kids move around and Conall's reaction to her was priceless! They certainly are some adorable kids!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Life . . .

. . . it just doesn't get any better than this!