Monday, June 29, 2009

Tea vs Trike

Addison opened this little tea set on her birthday and all of a sudden nothing else existed . . .

I couldn't get her to even glance in my direction - that is until she asked if she could open the box . .

Here's the look I got when I told her, "Nope."

Then I explained that she couldn't open it because she had one more gift to open. This little face is much happier . . .

Here is the last gift:

The trike was only fun for about two minutes . . . mainly because she had a new tea set that needed tending to.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Cupcake Cutie

So, you already know that Addison LOVES cakes but wants nothing to do with actually eating one.

On her Birthday we broke out the cupcakes anyway and she was SO EXCITED!!

Mainly she was excited for the "Party Candles!"

At her Birthday party she really tried; but she had a very hard time getting those party candles out.

This time Sean thought he'd give her a few pointers . . . .

. . . Here she's telling him that she's got it handled. . .

. . . And she was right!

She was so proud . . .

. . . can you tell?!?!?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Kyle to the Rescue

Addison's Birthday was the first day that both my Mom and Sean had to be back at work since my surgery. I was still on my crutches and unable to lift Addison so Uncle Kyle came to our rescue! He spent the entire day taking care of both Addison and I. As you will see in the following pictures, Addison was completely happy having Uncle Kyle around all day!!!

Thumbs up for Uncle Kyle!

Thank you Kyle! We couldn't have done it without you!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Airport Ballerina

On Addison's birthday (May 26th) we stopped by to visit Monka at work.

First Addison & Monka sat and chatted up a storm

"I'm TWO YEARS OLD! Can you believe it??!!"

Then they went for a little run

And of course, they had to get their groove-on!

Yep, it's safe to say, a good time was had . . .

. . . by all!!


Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Okay, here's the deal: I may have to give up ye ol blog. I'm so sad. This August it will have been three years since I've started this thing and now with Addison here, I have so much fun posting for our family and friends (especially those who live far away). I've also had a lot of fun getting to know those of you who I've met through emails, comments, as 'followers' and through your blogs!

Right now I'm not sure if I have to abandon my blog or not; but I will continue to post until I find out for sure. I am on facebook for Addison updates and photos. Let me know if you are too (email or in the comments) and I'll add you to my profile.



Saturday, June 06, 2009

2nd Birthday Party

We had a small party on May 24th to celebrate Addison's second birthday (which was actually on May 26th).

Addison decided that this was the day to take an extra long nap . . . Go figure, eh? So we woke her up a few minutes before the party. Normally I don't think she would have tolerated that very well; but since Monka was there to show her the decorations that were set up during naptime, she was delighted!

Of course, the Abby decorations were a hit

Monka showing Addison some of the snacks that we set out

Addison has been talking about "Party Hats" for months! She has only seen them on tv. Every birthday party we go to she looks for hats and is disappointed when she doesn't find them. Believe you and me, this girl could have gone without every other decoration and been just as happy to have her "Party Hats!"

The little gals thought Shannon should share her snacks . . . once they succeeded in swiping the food away they returned it to Shannon - all chewed up, of course. Guess it didn't taste as good as it looked!

Confession time: The cupcakes were not planned to be used in place of a cake. I had no other choice when the cake I attempted to make flopped- I wonder if there is a way to blame it on the fact that I am still on crutches??!! Oh well! Good thing I had just bought that cupcake tower - it all came together . . .

So, Addison LOVES cakes. Well, she LOVES the thought of cakes. She has been asking for "Party Cake" ever since we were in Minnesota. She still won't eat the actual cake or frosting; but she thought the sprinkles were pretty tasty!

Addison had three of her best buddies and their parents over to celebrate!




Hailey put this bow on Addison's head as she began opening her gifts! TOO cute!!!

Addison's last gift to open was her kitchen. She didn't even get the paper off before she began playing with it.

Once the paper was off they all played together. Addison has such great friends - not one scuffle; they shared everything!

Ireland took a quick break to give Elmo and his Mom some cuddles!

Will made himself a "drum set." Clearly the one under his shirt was the bass drum

So happy to play with Uncle Kyle

Hailey wants to be like her Mommy!

This was too funny - Ireland did the exact same thing at the Christmas party!

These guys are just getting so big!

Some Birthday snuggles for May-May

Long after her party ended, Addison decided to give the cupcakes another try . . . Of course I obliged, it's her Birthday; right??!!

She still didn't get more than sprinkles in her mouth! But on the other (red) hand, the frosting became a bit more interesting this time!

I can't believe it was only two years ago that we became a family of three!!

At the same time I am also having a hard time comprehending the fact that my baby is TWO years old!

Terrific Twos Here We Come!!!