Sunday, May 31, 2009

Passing The Time

Some of the ways that Addison (and Monka) passed the time in Rochester, Minnesota:

Mooses Tooth with Uncle Clint (and later Miss Gina) during our layover in Anchorage

Meeting The Stars Are Dancing With Addison Champion

Snuggles . . . .

. . . And a nap with Mommy before surgery

Lambchop became the mascot of this trip

Happy just to be happy

Running to Mommy for hugs!

Addison fell in love with the "Biiig Castle!"

The Biiiig Castle was quite ornate

Monka and Addison even got to go exploring on the inside

Read to Grover

Horsey rides

Lily Tomlin impersonations

You just had to have been there:

Played Dress Up

Twirled her very first baton

Admired the local wildlife

Playing with boxes was very popular!

Time was well spent making funny faces in the mirror


Lots of good food was enjoyed

Sniffed all of the pretty flowers that bloomed during our stay

And even a few weeds

Loved the "Biiig Clock" and the local church bells that rang everyday at 5pm

Lots and LOTS of water fountains!

And they always found a reason for a good laugh!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Miracle Whip Clinic

Last month Sean, Addison, My Mom (Monka) and I packed up and headed to Rochester, Minnesota for a month. When we got there I had two days to settle Addison in, meet with my doctors and to get used to our new temporary home: a little two bedroom, two bath suite with a tiny kitchen.

The day of my surgery Sean went with me to the Mayo Clinic's Rochester Methodist Hospital. Sean got to stay with me for the first twenty minutes of my two hour wait for surgery. After the nurse & I dropped Sean off in the Family Waiting Room I went off and met with the surgical teams: My Orthopedic Surgeon (My Hip Doc), the Orthopedic Oncologist (Tumor Doc), and the Anesthesiologists (I had FOUR!). Each Doc had their own nurses and staff - so needless to say the OR was packed!

Throughout the two hour wait the Mayo Staff kept me busy with plenty of preparations. Everyone was so wonderful and made me feel at ease. The only part that concerned me was participating in the decision of which anesthesia to use. I just laid on my comfy hospital bed and let them wheel me to and from several rooms and never once got scared or stressed. They are so good! And that fancy pill cocktail they gave me during the last half hour probably didn't hurt either!

The surgery itself lasted about 1 hour and 45 minutes - and it went great! The doctors are fairly certain all of the PVNS has been removed. I will have many follow up appointments in the future to check on my recovery and to ensure that the PVNS has not returned.

Now, if medical stuff gets you queasy skip the nex paragraph. :)

They cut an eight inch incision down the side of my hip. From there the Hip Doc cut my greater trochanter which gave the access into my hip joint without cutting major muscles. The Hip Doc dislocated my hip and then the Tumor Doc did his magic. The Tumor Doc was "aggressive" in the tumor removal. He removed a golf ball sized tumor from the (ball and socket) joint and more tumors from the surrounding muscle, ligaments and other tissue. Once the Tumor Doc was through the Hip Doc came back and repaired as much of the damage he could with my cartilage, a labral tear and reshaped the ball and socket. The Hip Doc used three screws to put my greater trochanter back together.

I was in recovery for two hours before they wheeled me up to my room where, Sean, my Mom and a sleeping Addison were waiting for me. I spent the first twenty four hours after surgery taking pain killers and sleeping and Sean and my Mom each took turns visiting. I could hardly sit up, I basically I just used the bed controls to lift and lower my shoulders. The second day I gave up my painkillers as my beloved Nerve Block was doing it's job. The third day I finally got to eat!! That's three and a half days without food (just clear liquids) - I was SOOO hungry! The forth day I got the clearance from my Hip Doc and the Physical Therapist to go back to the hotel.

I was so excited to leave and be back with Addison, Sean & my Mom; but I was also very nervous about leaving the security of the hospital. My confidence was a bit shaken as my first experience out of bed was a rough one and also because all of the people on my wing (who all had surgery the same day I did) went home at least one day earlier than I.

The return to the hotel went relatively well. Addison had a bit of adjustment my first night back and that had to be the roughest part up to that point. Overall, my recovery seemed to go slow but I was steadily regaining my strength. The lack of mobility was (and still is) the hardest part to deal with. Even on the rough days my wonderful support system was there lifting my spirits. The phone calls, gifts, emails, texts and flowers were and are more appreciated than you can imagine.

After our long stay in the hotel we finally got cleared to head home. It was a LONG trip: an hour and a half drive to Minneapolis, a 6 hour flight to Anchorage, overnight in Anchorage (which involved two car rides) and another flight home. I list all of these details out because it's probably important to note since I only had started sitting up three days before - and not in a real up-right position. BUT we all survived and lucked out with smooth flights.

I've been home for a bit now and I think it's actually harder to be home. Being home I'm constantly faced with all of the things I feel need to be done and the things I want to do. For Addison, coming home has been difficult. Her entire routine is off and it's affecting her. She doesn't understand why I can't get down on the floor and play with her, or why I can't pick her up (oh, it just kills me to tell her that I can't lift her up when she asks) - but I keep telling myself that I'll be back to normal soon. I have to because it's KILLING me not to be there for her in the way I want. Okay, enough of that because I could write about this for days.

I've started Physical Therapy and now spend part of the day on one crutch. Most of my time is still spent laying around with my ice pack. My hip is still swollen enough that I can't even wear my jeans; but I'm seeing improvement in the healing and in my mobility with each passing day. I just need a little extra patience to get me through the next few weeks so I can get back to normal. I love normal.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Later Hair!

In preparation for my surgery, I had to cut off my hair. It was so long that the end of my hair met up with the waistband of my pants . . . . my, how I miss it . . . but having my hair short made life a lot easier after the surgery.

I donated the ponytail to Locks of 1ove in hopes that they can use it to help make a wig for a child battling cancer.

Saturday, May 09, 2009


I'm behind in posts and do plan to get caught up the blog - but not tonight.

My Mom, also known as Grandma Suzy and also by Monka (Addison's preference) has always been the most selfless person on the planet. I know that I noticed this trait of hers at a relatively young age. She was a wife who raised three kids in a house full of pets (that of course, she took care of) her needs/wants were served last; if at all. Never once did she complain or remind us of this - she plugged along because it was what "needed to be done." So here I am thirty years old and she's still putting mine and now my family's needs before hers.

My Mom took a leave of absence from work to spend a month in Minnesota and even more time in Alaska to take care of my daughter and I. She's done everything from cooking, cleaning, bathing, entertaining, teaching, packing, unpacking, to lifting and bandaged for over a month. I'm stuck laying around watching the world go by; but I'm okay with it because I know that my Mom has got everything handled.

While I was in the hospital in Minnesota, Addison was completely unaware of my absence. She had Monka's full attention. When I returned to the hotel Addison was happy to see me, but Monka was still number one. Grandmothers are special, special people and I think it is terrific that Addison can appreciate hers. It warmed my heart to watch two of my favorite ladies form a bond that will last a lifetime.

When I left the hospital a few weeks ago, it was as if I had regressed many, many years . . . There was my Mom - helping me to get dressed/shower/even brush my teeth. She even made my meals and bandaged my 'owies," - but at a time like this, no one can take care of you the way your Mommy can . . . . So here I am, a Mother myself and I still rely on mine for so much. While I will be able to get dressed again on my own very soon, I'll still need her as my Best Friend.

Mon'ka's Birthday is on May 10th, which just happens to fall on Mothers Day most years. If I didn't know better, I would say she picked to have her birthday on this very day just so she wouldn't be the center of attention on more than one day. I on the other hand, feel like she was robbed. My Mom deserves WAAAAAAAYYYY more than one or two days . . . . In fact I cannot think of a Birthday or Mothers Day gift that shows how much I appreciate all she's done during my life - and especially during this part. But I promise that I'll find a way . . . I don't know when - but I will.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

THE Yellow Dress

Tudie & Papa Roy sent Addison her Birthday gifts early. Included was this adorable yellow dress.

If I could I'd have Addison wear this dress every day.

Once you check out these pictures, you'll understand why . . . .

I'm thinking I might make this her Birthday dress . . . What do you think??

Friday, May 01, 2009

Little Easter

With everything going on, Easter was little this year.

No Easter decorations were put out, no church, no big meal . . . In fact, I am ashamed to say that The Easter Bunny didn't even have a chance to dig out Addison's Easter basket.

Addison didn't seem to mind the plain basket . . .

. . . . She liked her goodies, including new hair bows, necklace and a variety of other little toys.

Addison was invited to a WONDERFUL Easter party where she got to decorate eggs and go on an egg hunt. It was so precious to see those little girls sitting around the table dying their eggs. Staci, thank you so much for the party!! I kind of consider that as Addison's actual Easter celebration (great pics of the party HERE). Staci had put together little baskets for the girls to take their dyed eggs home in. Each basket had a cute name tag for each girl. Kailyn had also decorated cute little sacks for the girls to use on their Easter Egg Hunt. No detail was overlooked - not to mention a yummy lunch and terrific company!!

On Easter we were blessed with love, family & friends. Who could ask for more?