Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stroller Derby

Our favorite game these days . . .

Addison pushes her pink stroller with her Abby Cadabby dolls and I get the red one with the Elmo dolls.

It's a blast! Really. Especially when ya pick up a little speed . . .

. . . . but not too much!!

Checking in on Mommy's Elmo Dolls.

Oh yeah, it's a great time.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Painted Baby

The craft excitement builds . .

Painting started out well . . .

She was so dainty . . .

Each stroke was planned and precise . . .

Then her artwork got a bit more daring . . .

And she wanted even more paint than her Mother was comfortable giving her at one time . . .

Then this happened . . . But just for a second . . .

And she went back to being a good girl . . . and I think she was a bit shocked that I was actually LETTING her do this!

"Well, how'd this happen?"

"I don't get it . . . My HANDS are RED!"

The Valentines she made were BEAUTIFUL and well worth the little mess that was made.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I WIll . . .

I will get current on this blog.

I promise.

I have posts scheduled everyday from today to March 5th.

It'll happen!

Snack Time for Addison & May-May

So when it's snack-time for Addison, it's usually snack-time for Maybel too. If Addison can, she'll sit as close as possible to Maybel and secretlyshare her snack with the dog. Even though Maybel shouldn't have the food (she's allergic to almost everything), I pretend not to notice.

I think it's sweet that she wants to share . . . Is that so bad??!!

This Little One doesn't think so . . . and I bet May-May appreciates it too.

Even though she's got her mouth full and food on her face, I just like these pictures!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Roll, Little One, Roll!!

Kyle and Addison we're hanging out the other day

and Addison decided that she would show Uncle Kyle the newest trick she's working on.

This is as far as she can make it on her own . . . At least for now.

In a few short weeks I think she'll be able to make it over

And then we'll be moving

To some place there is a gymnastics academy

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you 2024's Olympic Gold Medalist!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sledding With Uncle Kyle

Anxiously waiting to go on her walk with Uncle Kyle, Addison entertained herself with his pager.

So happy to be in her little red sled!

Really . . . can you tell WHO is having the most fun here??!!

Kyle and Addison checking out her Moon!

I took Addison out of her sled so she could see the snowmachines on the river and she yelled "Brap! Brap!" to them. Something only an Alaskan baby would do!

Check out the size of that snowbank Kyle and Addison are up against! I never really notice how high the snow is normally. I guess it's because we see it everyday . . . but I think it's pretty impressive in this shot!

It was about 15 degrees this day so we weren't out too long - but it didn't stop Addison's little cheeks and nose from turning red (but you can't tell in this picture)!

The beautiful scenery . .

I love how these pictures turned out with the sun setting (around 4pm) in the background.

And just to keep it real . . . Pictures of the tantrum Addison had when forced back into the warmth of her home:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


A few weeks ago, Sean crashed on the couch after dinner. As Sean can sleep through anything, Addison & I carried on as normal.

I got Addison ready for bed and before she went up, she gave her Dad one last snuggle for the night.

I don't know if she thought he was lonely or cold, but I thought it was pretty dang cute!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Amazing . . .

Peek A . . .


I sent these pictures to Addison's Grandparents awhile back and here's what Grandpapadopolis had to say:

She is amazing, I could not see her till she removed her hands.......what talent.......

We think he's right . . . She IS amazing!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Umm . . . Excuse Me?!

When did she get the permission to grow so much?

Seriously, look at her!!

I don't see a TODDLER here . . .

What I see is more like a . . .


. . . like a LITTLE GIRL!!