Thursday, December 27, 2007

Grandpa's Nose

What did Addison want for Christmas? Grandpa's nose.

"I'm gonna get your nose!!!!"

"GOT IT!!!!"

Friday, December 14, 2007

Jumping Bean

I just love this photo - you can see exactly how much fun Addison is having in her jumper-roo.

For me, this picture serves as a reminder to quit taking the small things in life so seriously and to throw my arms up in the air and squeal in delight every now and then.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

There's No Place Like Home

After two weeks on a business trip in California, Sean is back home! Both Addison and I missed him terribly. As you can see from the picture - both Addison and Eli were eager to welcome him home!!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Having Snow Much Fun!!

I took Addison to play out in the snow for the first time. At first she seemed concerned by the cold stuff but it quickly grew on her and she had a lot of fun.

Maybel must have been a bit worried for Addison because she never left her side for more than a few minutes.

Okay, she may have been a bit over-dressed. If I don't get a handle on myself she is going to end up like the little brother from The Christmas Story. Remember him? His Mom bundled him up in so many layers that he couldn't put his arms down and when he fell over he couldn't stand back up on his own!

After playing in the snow, Addison was a bit tuckered out.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Numbers: 1, 29, 7, 6, 17.5 & 26.5

Addison had her 1st Thanksgiving on my 29th Birthday. The day went exactly as I had envisioned. Both of my brothers had the day off and were able to celebrate in Valdez with my parents, Sean, Addison & I. We had a delicious dinner courtesy of my Mom. It was awesome and the leftovers were just as yummy! By the way, if you're thinking of asking - no I don't have any problem with turning 29. I actually welcome my new age, because my life just seems to get even better as I get older!

Addison has made the move from the bassinet to the crib. This has not been an easy transfer for her. Addison was a great sleeper - she would sleep through the night without a problem. Now she's waking up as many as 6 times a night!! She has had a couple of 7 hour straight nights (including the night before my b-day - Thanks for the present darling!). She's slowly accepting her new bed - but its been quite an ordeal!

Our little one is now half-way to her 1st Birthday!! She turned 6 months old and now weighs 17.5 lbs and is 26.5" long. Here are pictures of her on her half birthday!

Turning 6 months old also means it's time to start eating solids! Yea! The first food she had was rice cereal (she really didn't care for it) and she has also had peas (she seemed to dig those).

Saturday, November 17, 2007

6 Weeks Away

Sean, Addison & I have spent the past six weeks out of town. The majority of our time was spent in Anchorage when Sean was working up there. While Sean slaved away, Addison and I joined my Mom on a trip to Iowa to introduce Addison to her Great-Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. We had a great time showing the baby off to our family. Addison was a perfect angel on the flights; even though she had just caught her first cold right before we left.

With Great-Grandma Tudie (my Mom's Mom)

With Great-Grandma Mary (my Dad's Mom)

With Great-Grandpa Roy *aka Papa Roy* (my Mom's Dad)

Jumping on her Grand-Aunt Carol (my Mom's Sister).

Meeting Tudie and Grandpa for the first time.

Doesn't it look like she's thinking, "Yep, they'll do!!"

We had to leave Iowa a few hours early, as our flight (for whatever reason) was cancelled. Because of our short-notice schedule change we got to see Jj at the Phoenix airport. What a great surprise!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Addison's First Halloween

I love holidays; especially the big three: Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year I'm even more excited about the holidays because I get to share them with Sean AND Addison. Addison's first Halloween was a two day event.

First up was Trick-or-Treat-Town with the Hubbells. Even though Addison had no idea what was going on she really seemed to enjoy watching all of the people wandering around 'the town.' Will seemed to enjoy the trick-or-treating. He was so cute. He was so excited about his candy collection that he tried eating most of his candy as he received it. After Trick-or-Treat-Town we all got together at our 'New York-style apartment' for yummy Mooses Tooth pizza.

On Halloween night we went to Aunt Katie's & Uncle Phil's house for a little costume party with all of Addison's cousins. Addison put on quite the show when she saw Conall. She kicked her arms and legs then squealed in excitement. I can't believe how excited she was to see another baby.

She also met her Lola (Sean's Mom) for the first time.

For more fun, Aunt Katie got Addison a Halloween shirt, hat and socks.

Uncle Clint and Addison work on their BOO! Technique.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Center of My Life

5 months ago today my sweet baby girl was born. It is unbelievable that it has been both already 5 months and ONLY 5 months. . . . It seems like it was just last month that the doctor placed her on my chest right after she made her entrance into this world. Then at the same time I can't imagine a time where she wasn't the center of my life.

Addison constantly amazes me. Everyday she is learning something new. She absolutely LOVES watching people. Having been in Anchorage over the past month has given us girls a lot of chances to get out and 'people watch.' She seems to really enjoy the airport, the lobby at the hotel, the stores and visiting friends & family where she can watch older kids run and play.

Addison is getting pretty good at sitting up on her own and has started rolling onto her side. She's definitely working on her teeth - but no signs of them yet.

She is also a lot more comfortable with being on her own. For the majority of her life she insisted on being held. Now she is content playing with her toys or hanging out in her saucer for longer periods of time; which not only gives me a bit more time to clean it also gives my back a quick break. But when Addie gives the signal to pick her back up, I do so happily because even though she never was really away from me i missed her being near.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Future Worth Living

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for"

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

An Ever-Growing List

A few of the things I’ve learned since Addison’s arrival (thus far) . . . .
1. With hot water, a toothbrush and a little bit of Tide concentrate stains can be removed from baby clothes.
2. The last 10lbs are the hardest (to deal with and loose).
3. A high-maintenance baby means that the house is a complete disaster with seemingly little hope that it will ever be clean again.
4. The amount of love for a baby can make a heart feel as though it is about to burst.
5. Babies will only make fists when trying to do an ink print of their hand (go for the plaster instead of the ink).
6. Cleaning a baby’s neck is not easy.
7. The amount of hair a new mom loses after her baby is born is incredible.
8. Just because it has been over 1 hour and a quick nap since the baby has ate, doesn’t mean she isn’t capable of spitting up – a lot.
9. A three-minute shower IS a luxury.
10. Guides/books on babies’ first year and nursing lie.
11. Full meals can be devoured in mere minutes.
12. Even a ‘bratty dog’ can happily coexist with a new baby.
13. Diapers are not created equally.
14. Laundry is never done.
15. Evidently baby swings are boring.
16. Even a baby who nurses can sleep for 8 hour stretches at night – maybe just not every night.
17. Collars on baby clothes are cruel.
18. Dog toys and baby toys are easily confused.
19. A happy baby is the single most beautiful thing in the world.
20. Baby gyms and Jumperoos (the jumper) are the greatest baby toys ever.
21. Somewhere there is a black hole filled with missing baby socks.
22. Squeals and babbling from a baby can melt a heart.
23. Baby fingernails are sharp!
24. A tough day can be erased with one motorboat noise.
25. Many strangers cannot resist touching a baby in a grocery cart when passing by.
26. Alkaline batteries can explode. Trust me.
27. Dreft is not sold in bulk.
28. Spit bubbles are gorgeous.
29. A light fixture on the ceiling can be entertaining.
30. Days run in 2-hour increments.
31. Babies know when parents are ready to eat.
32. Burps can scare babies.
33. The first three months of a baby’s life takes place in a rocking chair snuggling with her parents.
34. Sometimes it is difficult to take life one day at a time.
35. Finding ‘the right name’ for a baby is tough.
36. Every day is a new adventure – even if you don’t leave the house.
37. A freshly bathed baby in jammies is the best!
38. 100% Unconditional Love.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Major Worrier

With a baby, every moment of sleep a parent can get during the night is precious. So why did I miss out on the chance for three additional hours of sleep? Because I come from a string of worriers. My Grandma: a major worrier. My mom: a major worrier. Me: a major worrier.

Last night around 3:20am we had a 4.63 earthquake. This is not an abnormally large earthquake by Alaskan standards. In a highly populated area this earthquake could cause some damage; but in a remote area like Valdez nothing much comes of this type of shaker. But by my reaction last night, you would have thought that the world was coming to an end.

The quake felt a lot larger and seemed to last a lot longer than it actually did. Instantly I scooped Addison up out of her bassinet while the dogs ran around at my feet growling and barking (their normal reaction to earthqukes). Once the earthquake was over, I hurried downstairs to grab the laptop to learn our fate. At the time I was aware that this was an over-reaction; but I was not in control - my worry was. Normally following this type of earthquake I'd roll over and fall back to sleep. Not anymore - now I have to look the quake up online to make sure that there is not a tsunami on its way.

Within minutes of the earthquke there was an announcement saying that this quake did not generate a tsunami. Do you think that was enough to comfort me and put Addison and myself back to bed? Nope. I kept refreshing the website to make sure they didn't change their minds and issue a tsuami warning afterall.

Finally, I was satisfiend with the announcement and I put Addison back to bed. She slept through the whole ordeal and didn't even wake up to notice that she hd been placed safely back in bed. I, on the other hand, sat in bed awaiting the next quake and making a mental plan to grab extra diapers, dog food and blankets should we have to make the move to the nearest tsuami shelter.

I've always been a worrier but now that I have Addison I have so much more to worry about. This must be a part of the maternal instinct. If it is, my instinct has kicked in full-swing. I worry about how everything can or could affect my baby. I am here to protect this tiny being with a huge presence and I will do everything in my power to keep her safe. Addison, my dear, good luck with this; worrying is apparently in your blood.

By the way, I was able to go back to sleep this morning around 6:30am - just in time for a hungry Addison to wake up for a quick feeding. Oh well, who neeeds sleep when you get a chance to snuggle with your beautiful baby!!??

Tuesday, September 18, 2007