Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Peanut

Our Christmas began a bit early by visiting the Perinatologist in Anchorage, where he told us that Peanut is a healthy little GIRL! Both Sean & I are absolutely thrilled that she's doing well and look forward to everything this baby girl will bring to our lives!

18 Weeks

We spent Christmas with my family. Both of my brothers came back for the holiday and we all spent Christmas Eve & Christmas day relaxing, opening presents & eating way too much - it was great!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Nacho Libre Wears Them . . .

. . . and now, so do I.
Thank God for 'Stretchy Pants'!

16 Weeks

Peanut at 11 Weeks

These are just a few of my favorite ultrasound pictures we have of Peanut at 11 weeks. I just love the one with the super tiny baby feet! We get our next ultrasound in about two weeks, and both Sean & I are incredibly excited to see how the baby has changed!

A Thanksgiving w/ Training Wheels

Okay. This year, I made the turkey. Don't faint.

As you can see from the picture, it wasn't much of a spread - just the staples as the Kirkendalls know it: Turkey, corn, stuffing, fresh bread rolls, potatoes & gravy - oh and a veggie platter before dinner. It's nowhere near the spread my Mom & most people put together for Thanksgiving, but since this was only the fourth meal I've ever made; I figured I'd better keep it simple. BTW: The stuffing was absolutely awful (we threw it away)!