Friday, April 30, 2010

THAT Little Face

Addison makes this face so often.

Usually she makes this face when she's saying, " I don't think . . . I think . . . "

When I took this picture last night she was saying, "I don't think Daisy Duck likes pink. I think she like purple."

I just love that little face!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dock Kitty

Since Addison had such a great time watching the boats a few days earlier, Sean & I decided to go down to the docks with Addison. We figured she'd love to see the boats.

Did ya see what she was looking at? There was a kitty on the boat next to her.

So . . . the boats, EVEN Nemo's, just weren't that exciting.

But Poppy the Dock Kitty was.

Poppy lives on a sailboat and he walks the docks and jumps from boat to boat as he pleases. Thankfully he was a sweet kitty and let Addison get some kitty-time. Look at how happy that girl is!

Waving good-bye to her new kitty friend.

Even though the boats weren't as exciting as we had expected; we had fun walking the docks with Addison in between us holding our hands while singing her favorite songs at the top of her lungs. Everyone we walked past couldn't help but smile and I don't blame them one bit!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

At The Harbor

After we were done at the beach, Addison and I wandered over and watched the boats at the harbor.

I tried to get a few pictures of her with the boats in the background; but as you can see she wasn't cooperating anymore than she was earlier.

So, I put the camera away, turned her back around and we watched the boats for a long time.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Beach Buddies

We met Ireland and Rachael at the beach after supper last night.

Addison was thrilled when I told her where we were going to go. Today she's still talking about the fish teeth (jaw) we found in the rocks.

Ireland was happy to throw rocks in the water - until I started wading in. Then it was over. Of course the kiddos had to go too and I wasn't on it and poor Ireland waded out over his boots. He handled it like a champ!! He was soaking wet; but never complained and Rachael took him straight home to warm up.

This is why their pictures are posted separately. There was no chance of getting a good picture of the two of them together. None.

At least this girl will work with me!

Rachael is due in a matter of weeks with another sweet, sweet boy.

Which is awesome. Because we already KNOW she makes awesome sweet boys!

Rachael took this picture of me with my girls . . . . I just love it.

Addison is ready to go back.

And you know what? So am I.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Little Lifeguard

The other night, Addison wanted to stay in her bath and watch the water go down the drain.

So she scooped up as many toys as she could and in her sweetest voice said, "Stay with me so you'll be safe."

Don't worry . . . no bath-toys were harmed during the draining of the tub.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Little Librarian

The local library is one of Addison's favorite stops.

She's been a very good girl at the library, using hushed voices and only removes the books from the shelves after she has asked for permission. The Librarians always tell her what a good girl she was while there and you can just see her little eyes light up with pride.

Yesterday she was pretending she was at the library. She took out the old computer keyboard and asked me what kind of books I'd like to read. I'd give her a topic and she'd type away. Once she found the listing . . . .

. . . . . Off to the bookshelf she went and . . . .

. . . . . She would bring me the requested book.

When the bookcase was almost completely emptied we sat on the kitchen floor and read books until my legs fell asleep.

Fun game Addison. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Easter Card

Mail has never been so exciting. Addison always enjoys receiving mail; but this card was extra special. She had a cold and we had been cooped up in the house for OVER A WEEK. Sean brought the mail home for us and this wonderful Easter card was in the stack from her Great Grandparents.

The card had a little punch out paper-bunny-doll.

She was so happy.

I couldn't punch the clothes out fast enough.

I forgot how long she played with the bunny but it's safe to say it was around one hour.

How cute is it that she asked me to take a picture of her bunny?!

Thank you Tudie & Papa Roy!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Little Piece

I've always sliced Addison's apples for her. I never even considered giving her the entire apple, until Addison asked for 'the whole apple' at dinner last night.

She had a slight problem with it.

So after a few minutes of trying, I started the apple for her.

Does that little laugh just scream VICTORY or what?!

She went on to eat half the apple. Once she discovered the 'yucky' core she was done.

Snow Buddies

Hailey and Addison spent a day playing indoors and out. For whatever reason; I did not spend the entire day behind my camera. I only have pictures of their outdoor play and incredibly few of Shannon and my tiny buddy, Whitney. Hmmmm . . . Perhaps I was sick? That must be the reason that I wasn't blinding these adorable girls with the flash.

Hailey found the storm drain, which wasn't easy to do considering the amount of snow and water covering the roads still - mind you, this is APRIL!.

Of course the puddles were the HUGE hit.

Amazingly, the girls were warm and dry under their gear.

The snow in the yard is about 5 feet deep. We had to watch and make sure they didn't fall OFF of the yard into the street.

The loader was clearing the street while we were out. Hailey was so very excited!! It was very nice of the Operator to stop for a second and wave to the girls.

I love watching these two girls together. Addison always looks forward to seeing Hailey and as soon as they're apart; Addison asks to play with Hailey again . . . and again . . . and again. SO GREAT!

Little Miss Hailey, I feel so blessed that Addison has such a wonderful friend so early in life. We love you and your fantastic family!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

New Hat

Check out Addison's new hat!

Isn't that the cutest?!

The lady who made it for her; made it to match her winter coat. I need to get a picture of her in her ensemble before it gets too warm out for them!