Thursday, October 30, 2008

Big Words, Little Girl

Maybe it was because I just gave her chicken nuggets for dinner. . .

Or maybe it was because I let her splash water around in the kitchen sink . . .

Or that I let her play with pumpkin guts for a hour . . .

Either way, the reason doesn't take away from the fact that this picture was taken minutes after my sweet little baby spontaneously said, "I LOVE YOU."

Addy's Great Pumpkin

Uncle Kyle came over yesterday and we carved Addison's first pumpkin!

After checking out the insides of her pumpkin, she decided the top needed to go back on. She had no intention of getting involved in that mess!!

Once her apprehension wore off, she dove right in and eagerly pulled out handful after handful of pumpkin guts! Kyle, by the way, was completely disgusted with the term pumpkin guts.

See Kyle! Pumpkin Guts!!

Addison only attempted two or three small tastes. She really wasn't impressed by the flavor. However, the pumpkin mustache stuck around for awhile.

Diggin' deep!

She was just so proud of herself. After she would put a big clump of goo in the bowl, she clapped and yelled, "Yea!" So cute!

Unfortunately, the battery for my camera died before we finished. So I don't have a picture of Addison covered in the Pumpkin Goo, but let me tell you she was covered from head to toe. Her socks were so gooey she could barely stand on them! Luckily she is small enough that I was able to pop her right into the kitchen sink and hose her off. The 'shower' ended up being the highlight of the day. Go figure!!

Addison's first Jack-O-Lantern. Cute, if I do say so myself!! The single tooth on the bottom was to commemorate Addison's first molar that we just noticed yesterday. Now she has 7 teeth (4 on top, and 3 below)!!

Checking her Jack-O-Lantern and flameless candle out.

Getting a CLOSE look!

Yep, I think she approves.

Posing with her 'Punkin'

Chuck's Great Pumpkin

Who doesn't remember watching Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown as a kid? It only seemed right that Addison got to participate in that Halloween tradition.

I know, I know . . . babies shouldn't watch tv. Go ahead. Judge me. She loved it and I'm pretty sure she'll do it again next year!

Monday, October 27, 2008

We're Home

Our trip to Anchorage lasted quite a few more days than we had originally planned. But it all worked out great! Well, except for the fact that we didn't get to visit everyone we had planned to - but isn't that always the way?

We got our family pictures taken (more on that in a different post), our shopping and doctor appointments handled, and we did fit in some socializing!

It was a great trip and we have the Hubbells to thank for their hospitality (even from afar they made us feel at home). Sure was nice to have a beautiful home with fun toys to relax and play in. Thanks guys!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happiness Is . . .

. . . Snuggling into a comfy chair and being in control of the television remote. Now, what channel is Sesame Street on??

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Chef Boyardee . . .

. . . got a thing or two right.

After two hours (yes, two hours!!) of eating, Addison went straight from her chair to the tub. It took quite a bit of scrubbing to get that tomato-sauce-stain off of her cheeks!

Monday, October 13, 2008


While at an event for Kyle's department, I showed Addison the adorable baby Charlie.

"Addison, did you see the baby?" I asked.

She pursed her lips while she thought for a moment.

I think that both Staci and I expected her to react with excitement.

Instead, Addison pointed to herself and very matter-of-factly said, "Baby."

How do you argue with that?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tiny Purse

This is one of my pretty purses:

And this is one of Addison's:

For a long time, Addison has been in love with purses and bags and no bag more than the one pictured above.

We've given her quite a few of her own purses to play with, in hopes that she'll leave mine alone. She just loves to pack 'em full of her treasures and carry them around the house. Normally her purse stays home when we venture out; but I made an exception the other day and let her take it with us.

While at the store I heard a little beeping noise, but didn't think too much of it . . . When we got home we dumped out Addison's purse . . . notice anything?

She had brought our house phone to the store.

Apparently she was expecting an important call.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Spicy Spaghetti . . .

. . . is popular around here.

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Love/Hate Relationship

This post is just a copy of an email I sent to family with pictures of Addison. The email explains the pictures and honestly, I feel just too lazy to write anything new!!

Addison's first trip in the snow this season provoked a lot of emotion. She hated it at first. She refused to wear her mittens and would do anything not to touch the snow. When she would fall (which was a lot) she'd just cry - hard. When I'd stand her back up she'd still cry. She basically yelled and screamed at the snow. In Addison-speak I think she cursed the white stuff.

Then something changed. . . . I'm not sure what . . . but all of a sudden she loved the snow. Unless she fell, at which time she'd lift her little hands up into the air and say "help" or "up" (my role was to stand her back up - duh) then she would be back on her merry way. When it was time to go in, the crying and screaming continued . . . she was not ready to leave her latest love.

Oh, comments on how she's 'over-bundled' and comparisons to the kid on the Christmas Story are welcomed. They don't phase me - but a chilly baby does!!! :) Its cooooold out there!!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Fall: It Did Exist

Over the past week or so, Addison and I were able to get outside and enjoy what ended up being our first and last days of fall . . . Yep, winter is here: we have snow!!!

Here are some of my favorites from those autumn days - to remind myself that we did indeed have a fall . . . even if it was only three days long!!

Of course the swing is always the highlight of playing outside. Too bad she never liked her infant swing this much!!