Not too long ago, nine months sounded like an awful long time. I thought it would take forever to feel the baby move and to have a big round belly. Well it didn't take very long at all. In fact, I am having a hard time accecpting that I'm already in the third trimester and that in a few short months, this little baby won't be a physical part of me. Soon she'll be this little person with a personality and a life of her own. From her birth day on, Sean & I will just be there to help her along and provide her with amazing amounts of love.
Meanwhile, I plan to enjoy every moment I can of this pregnancy. Peanut has cut back on some of her ninja moves and has replaced them with rolls and other movements that I can only catergorize as squirms.
I've gained a total of 25 lbs, which completely blows my mind. In fact, I had to replace the 'monthly picture outfit' with a new shirt and a new pair of jeans. The outfit in the picture is by the same company & design as the first, but it's a whole new size: from small to large in 28 weeks!