Sunday, August 20, 2006

End of Summer Visitors

The one thing Alaskan summers guarantee is: visitors. And the one thing Alaskan summers doesn't guarantee is sun. We've been blessed that our past few weeks have been full of friends & family visiting. Unfortunately, the rain has accompanied each guest.

The Wonders came up from Seattle for a visit, and brought along Michelle's parents. It was so nice to see Michelle & Toby and also to meet Pat & Mike (who were so cute). Their trip was full of sight-seeing and of course, rain.

Next up at Chateau Doherty: Katie, Phil & Colin! They stayed for just a few days and were anxious to get moved out of their old home in Valdez & into their new house in Anchorage. Colin has changed so much since the last time we saw him . . . He's even learned how to give kisses (and he's quite generous with them)!
It was sad to see them move to Anchorage, but we believe that it'll be the perfect fit for them. We wish them the best and just know that they will fill their new house will love & laughter!

It has rained for so long, that neither of us can remember the last day we actually saw the sun or blue sky. The river next to our house is just roaring and there are new waterfalls on the mountains. Believe it or not, we're already getting snow on the tops of the mountains . . . It seems that winter may be closer than we originally thought!

The rain hasn't kept the bears away. They are still out on the beach chasing down their salmon meals. There are quite a few bears that make the Dayville Road area their home and I am lucky enough to see them on
my drive to and from work almost every day. The only thing that beats watching them from the side of the road is watching a mother & cub out my window at work (how great is that!!??). There is a creek that is nearby the office building, that they visit a couple of times a day. There are several other bears that visit that same creek, but the cub is definitely my favorite!

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