Thursday, August 16, 2007

Me And My Girl

Just when I think Addison couldn't be more beautiful, fun or adorable - she becomes just that. Everyday I wake up to her babbling and kicking her legs as she awaits the excitement of the new day, and I know that I am the luckiest person in the world to be Addison's Mother.

Last month, I officially quit my job to stay home with Addison. The decision to quit both terrified and thrilled me. I was scared to leave my job mainly because I enjoyed it so much. I had a great boss and consider those that I worked with as my friends. But I was excited to know that from here on out it is just me and my girl, bonding, playing and learning about each other and our new world.

I am aware that being a stay-at-home-Mom is not for everyone and I completely respect their decision whether they choose to work or stay at home with their baby. In our situation, I know that I am meant to stay home with my little girl. I feel so blessed that I get to be with Addison every day!

1 comment:

Blessed said...

I am so happy for you Kristen with your blessing of being able to stay home with your baby girl! I haven't been on here in a couple months and am so glad I checked your page - I knew you would be an amazing mother! :)