Halloween was so much fun this year! It was Addison's first Halloween in town and boy, this little one was busy!
First she attended a costume party at Ireland's house. She had a lot of fun playing with the other kids while us Mommies gushed over the kids' costumes.
Poor little Rachel wasn't sure about wearing a costume and was definitely not gonna have her picture taken in it!!
This picture just cracks me up. It looks like Ireland is trying to get away from that lil Monkey by hiding behind Addison's costume!!
Hangin' with her peeps . . .
Ireland & Addison's costumes complimented each other so well. Their pictures together were so cute I couldn't pick my one favorite so here are a few:
It looks as almost they're saying to each other, "Yeah, you're Mom got to you too, eh?" You know, thats probably what they WOULD say if they were Canadian!
After the costume party we were off to Grandma & Grandpa's for a little trick or treating.
She's figuring this whole Grandparent thing out . . .
. . . just flash 'em a smile and get whatever you want!!
After a dinner break, Sean came home from work and we were off to the Halloween carnival. Addison loved it there - she just wanted to use all of that wide-open space to run in! Sean could hardly catch her as she zoomed from one end of the gym to the other.
Final stop for the night was to Nemo's. She kinda digs him . . . can you tell?
And here is a shot of her trying her costume on for the first time. Obviously she loved it from the start - and, not that it really matters, but so did I!!
GORGEOUS first photo! Have you printed it? What camera do you have? Do you have any photography experience? I am slowly learning..and it's been fun!
Thanks! I haven't printed it yet - but hope to!! I'm out of printer ink - again!!
I have a Nikon D40x and absolutely NO IDEA what I'm doing. I just keep shooting/changing settings until I get one I like. I know, I know, it's cheating - but it's all I've got !! ;) I really wish I could get some instruction!
Are you taking classes or learning from someone? Your pictures are always so GREAT - but you have an adorable subject and that certainly doesn't hurt!! :)
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