Sunday, July 18, 2010

Miracle Mayo Trip

So while we were in Rochester I stopped by the Mayo Clinic for a fantastic visit with my Doctors.


In fact, I've healed so well that I don't have to come back for five years!! FIVE YEARS!! When I left this time last year I was told that I would need annual check-ups for five years. Finding out that I don't have to go back until Addison is eight years old was so unexpected. Walking out of the office I think I was just as excited about my 5 years news as I was about being tumor free.

A highlight of the visit, was walking out of my appointment room and meeting up with my redhead buddy who helped me tremendously last Summer. He took one look at me (for the first time in a year) and remembered who I was. He asked, "SO?" It was so awesome to throw my arms up in the air and say, " No tumors!!!!" He jumped up off his seat and said, "Get outta here!!"

The calls back home were so much better than those I had to make last Summer. Pure joy!

I received instructions on what to watch for and if nothing comes up before then(which I KNOW it won't) , I'll see you in five years Rochester!!!

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