Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Numbers: 1, 29, 7, 6, 17.5 & 26.5

Addison had her 1st Thanksgiving on my 29th Birthday. The day went exactly as I had envisioned. Both of my brothers had the day off and were able to celebrate in Valdez with my parents, Sean, Addison & I. We had a delicious dinner courtesy of my Mom. It was awesome and the leftovers were just as yummy! By the way, if you're thinking of asking - no I don't have any problem with turning 29. I actually welcome my new age, because my life just seems to get even better as I get older!

Addison has made the move from the bassinet to the crib. This has not been an easy transfer for her. Addison was a great sleeper - she would sleep through the night without a problem. Now she's waking up as many as 6 times a night!! She has had a couple of 7 hour straight nights (including the night before my b-day - Thanks for the present darling!). She's slowly accepting her new bed - but its been quite an ordeal!

Our little one is now half-way to her 1st Birthday!! She turned 6 months old and now weighs 17.5 lbs and is 26.5" long. Here are pictures of her on her half birthday!

Turning 6 months old also means it's time to start eating solids! Yea! The first food she had was rice cereal (she really didn't care for it) and she has also had peas (she seemed to dig those).

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