Will is such a wonderful kid. Addison wants to do everything Will does - and I don't mind that one bit! Addison is at the point where she mocks everything she sees, which often times scares me. But Will is always on such good behavior I certainly don't mind her picking up traits from him!

Sharing, of course, is a concept Addison has yet to master. I guess it takes a few years; right?? Anyhow, Will did a great job being patient with Addison and as always played very gently with her.

Addison seemed okay with Will playing with her toys; but her chair was off limits - it's all hers!

Kyle was able to show Will the local fire trucks. Will seems to think that the firefighting gig is an ok way to go . . . . Well, actually he thinks it's the ONLY way to go. The kid loves his fire engines. But to be honest, I'm not sure who had more fun - Kyle really enjoyed showing off the station's goods.

Will was only a few weeks away from turning 4 years old when they came to visit - and since we were not able to make it up to Anchorage to deliver his gifts; we decided to throw Will a 'Practice Birthday Party.'
Will carefully decorated his cake with sprinkles and 12 candles - thats 3x the practice blowing them out; duh!
What Practice Birthday Party is complete without presents?
Will sang us a song before blowing his candles out.
Will had asked me if I had made the cake for him and I, without thinking, told him that I had slaved all day making this cake. I don't know why I said that - comments like that are so lost on little ones. I forgot how literal they think. And then I felt bad that I hadn't made the cake. But buying the cake was such a safer option - I just have no baking skills!
While it was great going to the park and other fun places, the company of Jennifer, Billy & Will was what we enjoyed the most. Thanks for coming guys!! We hope you come back SOON!!
Oh! And I have to thank Billy for the great pictures. I had a few camera mishaps so most of these are from his camera!
One more thing . . Will: I think Addison might miss you singing her to sleep at night!
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