Friday, January 30, 2009

The Second Christmas

We celebrated Christmas with my family on the 26th. Grandpa is responsible for introducing Addison to candy canes.

Now she's 'hooked.' Hehehe Hahahaha *snort* Hehehe Hahaha

Clint was able to celebrate Christmas with us this year! And he was just sooo over-joyed with his new plane . . . Wonder why he didn't take it back to Anchorage with him???

Addison was very happy to have Clint around for Christmas . . .

. . . And I think the feeling was mutual. The way she says "Clint" is so, so, so cute!

Kyle and his new leather helmet . . . Think he liked it??

Miss Addison was a tired girl - it was, afterall, her SECOND Christmas in two days!! So the majority of gifts were opened like this . . . I certainly didn't mind one bit!

Uncle Kyle checking in on his favorite girl and her newest cabbage patch doll.

Grandma helping Addison break her new dolls free . . .

Notice the Northern Lights in the background? We had National Lampoons Christmas Vacation playing while we opened gifts. I just love Clark Griswold - A little full, a lot of sap . . . and don't EVEN get me started on my favorite parts of the show - I could watch that movie every day!

Grandma gave Addison and I matching jammies!! SOOO fun! Hi Clark!

Later on we ate like royalty and just enjoyed hanging out with the family! All in all it was a wonderful Christmas.

Here it is . . . January 30th and I've FINALLY finished with all of the Christmas postings! Now, I need to get caught up on the rest of the month . . . ugh!

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