Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Apron & Oven Mitts

It's not my genetic material that influences her to wear these . . .

And yes, she was wearing her ballerina jammies again. They're quite popular these days!


Rachael said...

Hey!! I think I recognize that apron!!

She looks like she is working hard!!! Hope she is baking something yummy!

Kelly T said...

I LOVE little kitchen "helpers" :) We have one in our house as well.

Also, we have those ballerina PJs and they are a HUGE hit here. Too bad, I have to hide them, because Lacy's feet are really too big for them. AND, I told we could cut the feet off and she FLIPPED out. Yeah, poor thing LOVES footie PJs, but was given big feet thanks to her mommy:)