Finally . . . My own chair . . . well, once it is put together . . . I cannot contain my excitement!
Here Daddy, you'll need this piece!
It must be good, if he's that excited about the chair!
Yep, this'll do!
Waitress! Please bring me my sippy cup! Pronto!
Wait a minute . . . Where's that sippy cup? The help around here is terrible!
Now that I've got my new lounge chair to rest in, I've had more energy for piano practice. I've excelled at playing the ol' ten digit system and I'm onto playing the piano with my tush. What? You've never heard of the tush method? Well, next time you're in town I'll put on private concert for you. And for all of my blogger friends, I'll reduce your cover charge by 50%. How can you beat a sweet deal like that? Just don't ask for back stage passes, I'll need that time to lounge in my chair.
Little MusicMaker
Mozart ain't gotta thing on me!
Did you say Encore??
1 comment:
Super Cute post Addison!
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