This corn was straight from the field, to the stove and to Addison's eager tummy. She LOVED the corn!
One night in preparation for dinner my Grandma had shucked a bunch of corn and put into a pot before she was ready to begin cooking. So the pot of corn sat on the counter for a bit. Once Addison caught a glimpse of the uncooked corn she frantically signed more to me and cried when I told her she had to wait. I felt bad but also found it a bit funny.
Sean grilled rib-eye steaks for everyone during our stay. My Grandpa really wanted a picture of the steaks on the grill. I think it was because he didn't want to forget the great meal!
We ate late and it was cool enough outside that we were able to have dinner outdoors. Not too shabby for Addison's first picnic!!!
I've ate at some really nice restaurants. Ones where the waiters place every one's meals in front of the diners at the same time, where there are fancy ratings and reviews on the restaurant - but none that will compare with the good-old Olive Garden. I can't explain it but I love their bread sticks and fettuccine alfredo! Turns out Addison loved the meal too!
Going goofy waiting for our food!
Addison handled herself better than her mother, she had a great time coloring her menu while waiting for the food.
Grandma Suzy sharing her bread stick
Look at that alfredo covered face. She eats cleaner than I do!
Good bite . . .
Something you just can't do in a fancy restaurant: Group picture!
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