Friday, April 23, 2010

Beach Buddies

We met Ireland and Rachael at the beach after supper last night.

Addison was thrilled when I told her where we were going to go. Today she's still talking about the fish teeth (jaw) we found in the rocks.

Ireland was happy to throw rocks in the water - until I started wading in. Then it was over. Of course the kiddos had to go too and I wasn't on it and poor Ireland waded out over his boots. He handled it like a champ!! He was soaking wet; but never complained and Rachael took him straight home to warm up.

This is why their pictures are posted separately. There was no chance of getting a good picture of the two of them together. None.

At least this girl will work with me!

Rachael is due in a matter of weeks with another sweet, sweet boy.

Which is awesome. Because we already KNOW she makes awesome sweet boys!

Rachael took this picture of me with my girls . . . . I just love it.

Addison is ready to go back.

And you know what? So am I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll go with you anytime! The beach is so fun!