Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dock Kitty

Since Addison had such a great time watching the boats a few days earlier, Sean & I decided to go down to the docks with Addison. We figured she'd love to see the boats.

Did ya see what she was looking at? There was a kitty on the boat next to her.

So . . . the boats, EVEN Nemo's, just weren't that exciting.

But Poppy the Dock Kitty was.

Poppy lives on a sailboat and he walks the docks and jumps from boat to boat as he pleases. Thankfully he was a sweet kitty and let Addison get some kitty-time. Look at how happy that girl is!

Waving good-bye to her new kitty friend.

Even though the boats weren't as exciting as we had expected; we had fun walking the docks with Addison in between us holding our hands while singing her favorite songs at the top of her lungs. Everyone we walked past couldn't help but smile and I don't blame them one bit!

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