Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rainbow Cupcakes

The night before Addison's party we made rainbow cupcakes.

This little girl was so very excited to bake!

Addison was armed with an apron

And was so happy to stir the cupcake batter.

Clearly a good time was had.

All six colors looked very cool when they were stirred.

There was a little excitement over the blue!

So happy

Thanks for taking over the workload, Peanut. I loved watching you in action.

Addison's super cool cupcakes before baking.

The super duper cool cupcakes after baking and after Addison's great decorating job

Don't those just look HAPPY??


Kelly T said...

I JUST saw an article on these! SO fun! I think we will do these for Lacy's bday!

Any tips? The look like they turned out awesome!

Kristen said...

Thanks Kelly, they were very easy. I used two boxes of cake mix and divided it into six bowls (about 1.5 cups a piece) and a tablespoon of gel coloring. Don't use regular food coloring - I tried that last year and it looked awful. I seriously threw the cake out.

I bet Lacy will dig them! Only real advice would be not giving them to the kids on carpet. I had a Mom that went around cleaning the crumbs from the floor as they ate. Hehehe. Good thing she did otherwise I would have rainbow carpet. But on the other hand rainbow carpet would be pretty . . . . .

OH! And if you do them - don't waste the money on pretty cupcake papers. The dye will seep into the paper.