Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Sheen

While we were having ice cream with Hailey's family, we talked briefly about a cruise Hailey is taking her family on next month. Justin made a comment about going through the Oil Sheen. We laughed about it; but I don't think we mentioned anymore about the oil spill. As you already know, Addison and Hailey were off playing - who knew they were still listening. . . . . Three days later, while I was watching Good Morning America, Addison totally shocked both Sean & I. The tv show began to show coverage of the spill and out of nowhere Addison says, "That's where Hailey is going on her cruise." Sean & I stared at each other in complete disbelief.

So, lesson learned. No matter how much fun they are having playing, kids still hear. everything. Thank goodness this wasn't anything that she shouldn't hear - but from now on those conversations will be held, far, far away from my nosey little one! :)

More on the oil spill . . . .

The person - a Martian in an astronaut helmet
The large circle - Earth
The small circle - the Moon
The orange squigly at the bottom of the page - Oily Water.

Hmmm, think it's also time to keep the news far, FAR away from her too. Which is too bad since she's Robin Roberts biggest fan. Seriously.

1 comment:

Shannon Major said...

Such a smart cookie.