Monday, May 31, 2010

Third Birthday Party

You might have already heard the big news; but incase you haven't . . . . Addison turned three!!

Seriously. Addison has been planning her party since December 26. She woke up that morning so very disappointed that Christmas was over. The next obvious step was to plan for the Birthday. And let me tell you, there was no disappointment the day of the party.

Of course we had to celebrate with a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party.

In the past I used to plan where every decoration was placed. This year: not so much. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't have a creative bone in my body; but I actually made some decorations and hung some up. I even hung one that wasn't even finish - gasp! This banner was not completed but I let go of my "issues" and hung it anyhow. Addison really liked it, so it was completely worth it.

Sean stapled these canvases onto wood frames. They worked great in the entryway.

We had a bunch of Addison's dear friends over to celebrate. We were so happy to have them over to celebrate. Each and every person made Addison feel so special.

Ireland was just adorable dressed as Mickey Mouse. Don't you just love it?!

These two weren't far from each other either. Sharing their hotdog dinner (of course we had hotdogs - they are Mickey's favorite food), sneaking snacks in the kitchen and just causing merriment. Look at how Addison has her arm wrapped around Hailey. They sat like this for quite awhile.

We were also so lucky to have a bunch of sweet little babies join us.

Look at Baby Aiden's beautiful eyes!

Sweet nugget Whitney. Why are you sitting on the floor in my house? This must be a first: you at my house and me not carrying you around!!

Sweet Archer! He is only a week old in this picture. He's so dang cute and cuddly. Seriously, some of the cutest babies in town were in our house for the party. Even baby Lily; but I didn't get a picture of that sweet girl.

Now . . . CHECK OUT ALL OF THESE CUTE KIDS! Are they not the sweetest??!!!

Addison's Nana made the best Minnie and Mickey Mouse ears ever!

While the kids sat on the couch they sang Addison Happy Birthday. So cute. Then to make it even cuter, Miss Hailey leans in at the end of the song and gives Addison a Birthday Hug.

Here's another view of the complete sweetness.

Did our heart just melt? Mine did.

Everyone got their rainbow cupcake. Addison of course, picked the sprinkles off and told me she was DONE!

See this cute, clean little guy? His name is Charlie.

He had a different take on the cupcakes.

Charlie didn't see any sense in picking off the sprinkles.

He went for the whole cupcake . . . . . at once!

Then he found the mound of frosting.

Man alive. He's so darn adorable.

Speaking of adorable, there's baby Archer again!

Hanging out with his Grandma, who came up from Colorado to meet him and play with Ireland.

Ireland was not the only little guy to dress up . . . Christian showed up as Donald Duck. SO CUTE! Addison said that in this picture she is not Minnie - she's Daisy Duck.

Christian was so funny. He kept adjusting the way he held Addison's hand. He was very gentle but wanted to make sure he was holding her just so.

There were lots of hugs for all of her buddies.

Peter, what a sweetie.

Check out that look he's giving her. It's too much!

Kailyn . . . It seems like just yesterday we were at her 3rd Birthday celebration. Addison just adores Kailyn. This face is the face she makes when she's giving a "Biiiig Hug." She squeezes and then makes this face. I laugh every time I see it.

I can't believe she is three already!

It doesn't seem all that long ago Addison was a baby.

Now, there isn't anything "baby" about her. She is a little big girl.

A sweet, smart, funny, happy, and loving little big girl.

Life with her is a pure joy!

These next few pictures were taken at the end of the night.

A worn out little girl with her balloon, hot dog bun snack, singing "her balloon song."

This smile sums up the day.

Happy Birthday Peanut.

We love you so very. very much!

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